Tongue Tie/Lip Release Solutions in El Paso, TX

Do You or Your Child Need a Tongue or Lip Tie Release? Look for These Signs

Identifying the need for a tongue or lip tie release can be crucial for oral health and development. Here are signs to watch for:

  • Difficulty latching during breastfeeding for infants.
  • Gaps between teeth, noticeable especially between the front teeth.
  • Speech impediments or challenges with certain sounds.
  • Difficulty with oral hygiene routines due to restricted tongue movement.
  • Persistent dental issues despite good oral hygiene.
  • Discomfort or pain in the jaw due to limited movement.
  • Challenges with eating, such as difficulty chewing or swallowing.

The Procedure: What to Expect from Tongue Tie/Lip Tie Release

Undergoing a tongue tie or lip tie release is a quick, minimally invasive procedure that significantly improves oral mobility and function. Performed with precision and care, this treatment involves making a small adjustment to the restrictive tissue, resulting in immediate enhancement of speaking, eating, and oral hygiene capabilities. The recovery is rapid, allowing for a swift return to daily activities.

Experience Immediate Relief from Tongue and Lip Tie Releases

Tongue and lip tie releases offer quick relief by correcting restrictive oral tissues, instantly improving functions like speech, eating, and breathing. This procedure, often necessary for both comfort and health, allows patients to experience enhanced oral mobility and reduced discomfort. Tailored to meet individual needs, our expert approach ensures a smoother, more comfortable daily life immediately following treatment.

Benefits of Tongue Tie and Lip Tie Release

Tongue tie and lip tie releases offer several benefits that can significantly improve oral functions and overall well-being:

  • Enhances the ability to speak clearly, especially in children developing language skills.
  • Improves feeding and eating abilities, easing difficulties with chewing and swallowing.
  • Facilitates better oral hygiene by allowing for more effective brushing and flossing.
  • Reduces discomfort and pain associated with restricted tongue or lip movements.
  • Minimizes dental issues such as gaps between teeth and improper bites.
  • Alleviates symptoms related to digestion and breathing issues linked to tongue and lip restrictions.
Benefits of Tongue Tie and Lip Tie Release | Hansen Orthodontics & Aesthetics

Experience Immediate Relief from Tongue and Lip Tie Releases

Tongue and lip tie releases offer quick relief by correcting restrictive oral tissues, instantly improving functions like speech, eating, and breathing. This procedure, often necessary for both comfort and health, allows patients to experience enhanced oral mobility and reduced discomfort. Tailored to meet individual needs, our expert approach ensures a smoother, more comfortable daily life immediately following treatment.

Safe and Effective Tongue Tie Solutions for All Ages

Tongue tie solutions are designed to be safe and effective for patients of all ages, addressing various oral restrictions that can impact daily functions. Our treatments cater to the unique needs of each patient, from infants to adults, ensuring improved oral mobility and quality of life.


A frenotomy is a quick procedure typically recommended for infants experiencing feeding difficulties. It involves a simple snip of the frenulum, the connective tissue under the tongue, using sterile scissors. This immediate intervention usually requires no anesthesia and offers instant relief, making feeding easier and less painful for babies.


For cases where a more comprehensive treatment is needed, frenuloplasty is employed. This procedure is suitable for older children and adults, involving the surgical alteration of the frenulum to enhance tongue mobility. Performed under local anesthesia, frenuloplasty includes suturing the area to promote optimal healing and function, significantly improving speech and eating abilities.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is an advanced, minimally invasive technique used to release tongue ties with precision and minimal discomfort. It reduces bleeding and shortens recovery time by cauterizing the wound immediately. Ideal for patients of any age, laser therapy enhances the procedure's safety and effectiveness, allowing for a quick return to daily activities with improved oral function.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What age is most suitable for a tongue tie or lip tie release?

    There is no specific age limit for this procedure; it can be safely performed on patients from infants to adults. For infants, early intervention is often recommended to alleviate feeding problems. For older children and adults, the procedure can address speech impediments, oral hygiene difficulties, and other complications related to tongue and lip restrictions.

  • What are the signs that a tongue tie or lip tie needs to be released?

    Signs that might indicate the need for release include difficulty breastfeeding in infants, speech difficulties, challenges with oral hygiene due to limited movement of the tongue, and discomfort or pain in the mouth. In adults, symptoms might include issues with eating, speaking, or a noticeable discomfort when moving the tongue or lips.

  • How should I prepare for a tongue tie or lip tie release procedure?

    Preparation typically involves a consultation with a specialist who will evaluate the severity of the tie and discuss the best approach. It's recommended to maintain good oral hygiene leading up to the procedure to reduce the risk of infection. For infants, feeding and comfort measures will be discussed, and for adults, instructions might include fasting if anesthesia is to be used.

  • What is the recovery process like after a tongue tie or lip tie release?

    Recovery from a tongue tie or lip tie release is generally quick. Patients might experience mild discomfort or swelling, which usually subsides within a few days. It’s important to follow post-procedure care instructions, which may include exercises to promote healing and prevent reattachment, and maintaining oral hygiene to avoid infection.

  • Are there any risks or complications associated with tongue tie or lip tie releases?

    The procedure is typically low-risk, especially when performed by an experienced practitioner. However, potential complications can include bleeding, infection, or, rarely, damage to the surrounding tissues. In some cases, there might be a need for a second procedure if the frenulum reattaches or if the initial release does not fully resolve the restrictions.

Hansen Orthodontics & Aesthetics | El Paso, TX
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